What’s happened so far

We recently convened our first Advisory Groups within the Open Energy project and we’d like to share their progress with you. The Advisory Groups are running from March until the end of July with two tracks: 1) Membership and 2) Delivery. Meanwhile, the Steering Group has met to support the overarching strategy.

Our first task as a collective was to confirm the vision, mission and values of the Open Energy project:

Next, we agreed the roles and responsibilities of each group:

Advisory Group 1: Membership

  • Membership contract
  • Key policies; conditions for participation, roles, responsibilities and liabilities
  • Pre-emptive licence
  • Funding model
  • Ongoing governance

Advisory Group 2: Delivery

  • Operational guidelines
  • Data production, flows and usage
  • Authorisation process and audit
  • Ensure that the Governance Platform and Data Search capabilities meet user and sector needs 

The Advisory Groups are directed by the Steering Group who ensure the delivery of MEDA Phase 3 Objectives (modernising data discoverability, access and exchange) and help disseminate work to the MEDA communities.

What we’ve achieved

Open Energy Membership

We have discussed:

  • The OE membership value proposition and conditions for participation
    • Scope of membership
    • Enumerated benefits for different parties
    • Considered questions around the commercial model
  • How we should be defining ‘shared data’
  • Authorisation and trust framework for Advisory Group feedback

Open Energy Delivery

We have discussed:

  • Updates from members on acronyms and glossary
  • Platform functionality:
    • How data is published and how to make it engaging for users
    • Geospatial mapping of energy data
  • Data analysis requirements:
    • The importance of data availability in multiple formats to suit user preference
    • Being tools agnostic – enabling users to analyse data using tools specific to their organisation
  • Technical challenges:
    • Multiple stakeholders require different levels of technical interaction with EDS
    • Access from “internal” networks may be a challenge
  • Data Standards:
    • Standardising on a metadata standard; geolocation. W3C & DCAT standards have solved these

Our next steps


  • Continue to evolve the OE membership model
    • Follow up on Phase 2 learnings and approaches to data rights, participant roles, types of organisations to have access
    • Provide an overview of Phase 3 and what is being ‘standardised’
    • Map out use case end-to-end journey (identify data sharing moments and what would be required from membership)
  • Establish membership research priorities for April 2021
  • Update terminology including references to ‘shared data’


  • Agree and sign off on the Terms of Reference
  • Identify preferred data formats for end user analysis
  • Propose staged architectural approach for users

Join us!

  1. We’ll be publishing documents for review soon and we’d love your input! Make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter and watch this space.
  2. Please get in touch with any questions or feedback on our work by emailing openenergy@ib1.org