
Core to our mission is unlocking access to the capital needed for our Net Zero Future.

Trust in data is essential to this, and our Trust Framework approach can help to drive the adoption of open standards and create assurable data flows between organisations.

We provide three services to the financial sector:

1. Community: an expert network of professionals – the IB1 Constellation
2. Governance: co-design of data sharing Schemes using our Icebreaking process
3. Trust ServicesSearch services and Core Trust Framework for Scheme implementation

Our primary programmes include:

  • Perseus (automating GHG reporting for SMEs, with Bankers for Net Zero)
  • FoSDA (exploring data gaps & holes, with Future of Sustainable Data Alliance)
  • SERI (defining Climate-Ready Financial Products, with the insurance sector)
  • Cygnus (exploring the potential for Green recovery from Covid-19)
  • CFRF (exploring potential regulatory frameworks, with regulators and investors)