In December, we reconvened Stream’s Steering Group which comprises experts that represent water companies, regulators, research, innovation bodies and government. 

Co-chaired by Icebreaker One and NWL, the group’s primary function is to help provide leadership and market signaling. Oversight of, and endorsement from, this group will establish a lasting set of robust governance measures to ensure data is shared safely and with the correct regulations.

Date: 2nd December 2024 10:00-12:00 BST

Location: online

Co-Chairs: Melissa Tallack (NWL); Gavin Starks (IB1)

Secretariat: IB1

Meeting aims:

  1. Members to provide an input on the Catalyst bid 
  2. To brief members on the current and future OKRs


  • It was agreed that the theme for Open Data day in March 2025 should be linked to the next use case – Cleaning Up UK Rivers and Seas. It was noted that:
    • the idea is to run a Hackathon with University support 
    • framing is key when approaching the question about catchments, to recognise the impact that water companies and other stakeholders both have on the catchment without being seen as deflecting the blame
    • this will be the 3rd time that Stream has run a Hack on a similar topic, positioning the Hack to show the evolution of the ability to bring data together to get results 
  • It was agreed that Stream will register for UNWDF Commit2data, in line with turning action into impact and progressing the SDGs, and to put in place a process so that such initiatives are monitored on a regular basis. 
  • Members were given an OKR status update. It was noted that:
    • looking at the Technology pillar, the NSOH going live was a major milestone for the maturity of Stream 
    • discovery planning for the next use case, Cleaning Up UK Rivers and Seas, will begin in December 
    • the Ecosystem pillar delivered the key OKR, successfully planning and running Open October 
    • the Operations pillar hosted the first wisdom sharing session around data literacy
  • An update from the AG co-chairs was provided and it was noted that both groups had positive feedback from discussions on the Catalyst Bid 
    • AG1 noted how Stream could support AI strategy and smart meter data management and the length of time other projects have taken to reach BAU status
    • AG2 noted the potential for Stream to integrate into international initiatives and what this process would look like
  • Bid questions were posed to members for review and discussion:
    • What is innovative about your entry and why is it not BAU?
      • It was noted that Stream cannot yet be considered BAU due to the work needing to be done on data maturity across organisations 
      • It was noted that infrastructure is in place but co-creation and innovation are still developing 
      • It was noted that the resource, capacity and commitment is an ongoing challenge for many members. It was discussed that increasing executive buy in and showcasing value and benefits is necessary to build confidence and participation.
      • It was noted that Stream can build a playbook of use cases to refer to, highlighting the significant progress made in the last 12 months – going from a basic website to complex use cases and the NSOH use case completion
      • The learning curve in getting to external data sharing was discussed, linked to the potential to tackle more complex use cases and ecosystem refinement as Stream progresses 
    • What is the need/opportunity your entry aims to address and what has already been done? 
      • It was noted that there are opportunities to unlock the value of the existing citizen science data ecosystem. No actions were recommended.
      • It was noted that Stream is needed to keep progressing towards a sustained national data infrastructure that delivers value and is financially sustainable 
      • It was noted that Stream is a vehicle for proactive publication of datasets, especially around EIR. It was noted that EIR is being explored as a potential Scheme.
      • Exploring feedback loops with the users of Stream data was discussed to target the unrealised benefits 

The next meeting will take place 3rd February 2025.

Formal records, including attendees, are maintained by the secretariat, and are confidential to the Steering Group members.