In September, we brought together Stream’s Advisory Group 2 (Technical) which comprises subject matter experts from 16 water companies and other industry stakeholders. Co-chaired by Icebreaker One and Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water, this group advises and supports the project partners as they commence work on Stream’s Implementation Phase.

September’s AG2 meeting was aimed at:

1. Updating members on the governance changes and role of pillar champions

2. Providing feedback to the pillar champions on strategy and achievement states for Technology and Operations

Date: 30th September 2024 10:00-11:30 BST 

Location: online


  • It was noted that the Technology and Operations pillar objectives and key results (OKRs) are as follows: 
    • Technology: Enhance the platform to ensure that user (publishers and consumers) needs are met and the discoverability and facilitation of accessing data is as seamless as possible.
    • Operations: Empower the Stream team and Stream members to drive impactful data sharing and collaboration.
  • It was noted that two use cases, APR23 and APR24, have met 100% contribution, alongside four with good results. Drinking water quality is at 73% and expected to reach 100% by the next AG2 meeting. 
  • When discussing the EIR Schema, the Schema team has:
    • Accepted: Many of the companies have low or no tech, so storing in spreadsheets or inboxes is fairly unstructured in some cases. We do accept that but we do think that peer to peer sharing could inspire innovation.
    • Investigated: if  the combined dataset may be available under EIR. It was determined this dataset would not constitute as environmental so does not apply.
    • Mitigated: There is a PR risk of being seen to work as a monopoly, which is why good communications are required to reinforce positive reasons for sharing EIR data
    • Removed: Requests have lots of personal data, including email and names. Each company is responsible for redacting that data and we have not requested any of the personal data as part of the schema.
    • Squeezed: the potential good PR, can show that data is already released, proactive approach, know what people want to see, publishing before being mandated to do so, cost-savings on data gathering, knowledge sharing/best practices
  • It was noted that refinements sessions for the proposed data structure have been helpful and can continue to be so, with externals welcome to join..
  • It was noted that members reflected on the purpose and outcomes, with ideas captured on the Miro board: 
    • Key questions included: 
      • Are we being ambitious enough? 
      • Is there anything we can take out?
      • Are there any areas where you would want further input on? (Where should we focus people’s attention?)
      • Which things would you highlight to the steering group?
  • The technology pillar was discussed and it was noted that tech needs to be fit for purpose to deliver the objectives of the other pillars (ecosystem, operations, use cases).
  • The importance of updating and reflecting the language to represent the lifecycle of ideas and Stream’s journey was noted. The AG discussed that publication is not the final point of data publishing, but where the programme can demonstrate the true value and identify where feedback can be integrated into processes. 
  • It was noted that understanding the processes may not be the right achievement but instead that members are able to influence and update the processes, to reflect the agility of the project.
  • It was discussed that the nuances of the term engagement need to be solidified, whether this refers to retaining, onboarding or targeted groups.

The next meeting will take place on 25th November 2024.


Justin Doran, Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water

Lucy Chambers, IB1

Secretariat support:

Icebreaker One

Formal records, including attendees, are maintained by the secretariat, and are confidential to the Advisory Group members.