In October, we reconvened Stream’s Steering Group which comprises experts that represent water companies, regulators, research, innovation bodies and government. 

Co-chaired by Icebreaker One and NWL, the group’s primary function is to help provide leadership and market signaling. Oversight of, and endorsement from, this group will establish a lasting set of robust governance measures to ensure data is shared safely and with the correct regulations.

Date: 7th October 2024 10:00-12:00 BST

Location: online

Co-Chairs: Melissa Tallack (NWL); Gavin Starks (IB1)

Secretariat: IB1

Meeting aims:

  1. Gain input on how to get more strategic engagement
  2. Clarify how voting improvements will move forward
  3. Clarity in pillars and how they work, in the context of governance
  4. Decide what is agreed and what needs further work around the pillar strategies


  • It was agreed that Steering Group members will vote on the direction of Stream travel and not an explicit commitment for individual organisations
  • It was agreed that anything to be presented to the Steering Group must be in an addressable form such as a slide or document
  • The best way to formally endorse the final draft of the strategy for open data for the water sector was discussed: 
    • It was agreed that the strategy for open data for the water sector can be signed off by the Steering Group. 
  • In response to the key question: What would best support Stream’s work at a strategic level within your organisation? It was noted that: 
    • Communicating the successes of Stream internally and across organisations would be beneficial to making the business case. Creating a good layer of understanding through central internal communications can create a crossover between day to day activities and the open data strategy and how they link together 
    • A newsletter would help with internal engagement, acting as a useful tool to provide a consistent view of Stream’s direction of travel and strategic aims.
  • It was also noted that:
    • AG members have been engaged with the pillars, using the Miro board to gather feedback and create discussions in the sessions
    • The Miro board has been an effective tool in providing insight and input into Stream’s strategic plan, with the Advisory Group chairs feeding back that good progress is being made on datasets, OKRs and the use of the strategic pillars. 
    • Feedback is to be given and incorporated into the Miro board in order to finalise a proposal for sign off at the next Steering Group meeting
  • The voting process was discussed and the idea to send a pre-voting document out to inform members of upcoming decisions and for circulation within organisations was noted:
  • It was noted that the purpose of the vote must be made clear, whether it is an SG specific vote
    • It was noted that the purpose of the vote must be made clear, whether it is an SG specific vote
    • To support a smoother voting process, it was noted that upcoming decisions could be trialled in an internal newsletter, to spread awareness of the work that Stream is doing and give internal stakeholders warning of decisions that are likely to require input from their executive teams.
  • Using the Miro board, a consolidated view of the achievement states was discussed:  
    • It was noted that the proposed strategy for the 2025 achievement states has good ambition, scope and practicality 
    • It was noted that work needs to be done on how the ecosystem pillar relates to the operational pillar 
    • It was discussed that as an endorsement of the achievement states, this is a fair reflection of where Stream is now and where Stream is focusing, but that this can be revisited as progress is made. It is an endorsement on the direction of travel. 

The next meeting will take place on the 2nd of December. 

Formal records are maintained by the secretariat. These are confidential to the Steering Group members.