In November, we brought together Stream’s Advisory Group 1 (Market & User Needs) which comprises subject matter experts from 16 water companies and other industry stakeholders. Co-chaired by Icebreaker One and Northumbrian Water , this group advises and supports the project partners as they commence work on Stream’s Implementation Phase.
November’s AG1 meeting was aimed at:
- Updating members on the status of pillars BAU activities
- Discussing inputs for the bid
- Reflecting on Open October and looking forward to Open Data March 2025
Date: 19th November, 10:00-11:30 BST
Location: online
Charlotte Hillenbrand, IB1
Melissa Tallack, NWL
Secretariat support: Icebreaker One
- It was agreed that members will support ecosystem engagement by reaching out to their connections and re-sharing Stream posts to their networks on LinkedIn. Capturing how data is being used to drive value.
- An Icebreaker question was put to members:
- How do we demonstrate that STREAM is not yet BAU and merits further innovation funding by showcasing collaboration, adaptability, and scalable solutions that deliver long-term value for household customers through proven, risk-tolerant approaches?
- The time it could take to reach BAU was noted, with projects like Stream often taking up to 5 years to reach this point
- It was noted that there is a need for an active community to provide insights and give input on Stream’s focus
- It was noted that the foundations for data sharing are present, but it is demonstrating initiatives like the NSOH that show the ability to keep innovating
- It was noted that a demonstration of moving into BAU would be the maturity levels of the water companies around open data capability, covering dedicated resourcing, the building into new development projects and an open data publishing stream to publish by default and alignment to the Stream standards
- It was noted that Stream demonstrates how the industry is progressing visibly which strengthens internal motivations to move towards open data maturity
- How do we demonstrate that STREAM is not yet BAU and merits further innovation funding by showcasing collaboration, adaptability, and scalable solutions that deliver long-term value for household customers through proven, risk-tolerant approaches?
- Members were asked for their thoughts and inputs on the Catalyst Bid, with two questions posed:
- 1. What is the need or opportunity your entry aims to address?
- Trust and transparency within the sector was discussed and it was noted that there is still a lot to be done – the more this can be built, the better from a customer point of view
- It was noted that the need for equal access should be emphasised, where the same datasets are used by all, stakeholders all have access to the same information – this links to equality in the market and being able to build new products and services equally
- It was noted that the severity of the challenges the industry faces need to be highlighted
- 2. What longer term impacts and benefits will the entry provide for the wider water sector once the project has been completed?
- It was noted that referencing projects that are further ahead would be beneficial to point to the potential of Stream – such as the NSTA example
- 1. What is the need or opportunity your entry aims to address?
- Members discussed Open Data Day next March and it was noted that a high-engagement hackathon would be considered a success and provide an opportunity to take forward ideas into an innovation challenge
- University outreach was discussed with key points being noted:
- Reaching out to existing contacts is the recommended approach, rather than cold calling
- Universities and their students would likely be willing to engage in hackathons, especially where industry professionals will be judging their work – it being highlighted that the Open Data Day in March provides an opportunity to broaden academic outreach and build further connections within the university sphere
- LinkedIn is used by academics and should not be discounted as a platform for engagement
- Members were asked to let the team know of any connections with universities or specific departments to assist in reaching out
The next meeting will take place on the 16th of January 2025.
Formal records, including attendees, are maintained by the secretariat, and are confidential to the Advisory Group members.