In May we convened the first Perseus User Needs and Impact Advisory Group meeting. Advisory Groups provide expert input to the programme, to address commercial, non-commercial and public needs. 

Perseus is developing whole-of-market solutions to create rapidly scalable, low-effort, low-friction sustainability reporting for SMEs. The ultimate objective is to arrive at a standardised approach that is fit for purpose for, and can be rapidly deployed across the market. The Perseus Advisory Groups will inform the development of an environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data ecosystem which accelerates the transition to net zero.

The group discussed:

  • The processes for the Perseus Advisory Groups including scope, structure, ongoing meetings and the terms of reference 
  • The scope of the users, data needs, reporting needs, and impact/decision-making as outlined in the scoping document
  • The focus on electricity as the ‘simplest’ starting point for data automation that could help put in place the rails for other data types
  • How to enable and empower SMEs to handle data
  • Policy and legislation challenges, to be further explored in the Policy AG

Key insights from the AG: 

  • GHG emission reduction cannot take place without measurement. This is why we place a high level of importance on enabling SMEs to measure their emissions.
  • There is value in using half-hourly data, to know time of consumption to estimate emissions
  • Having data that is decision-useful is essential in supporting SMEs to transition to net zero 

The User Needs and Impact Advisory Group plays a critical role in Perseus’ development by exploring, prioritising and working through use cases that should be supported. If you want to get in touch with us, email us at  

Formal minutes and briefing