What does it take to join the future of energy data sharing in the UK? Here’s a summary of what you’ll need to do to take part in the Open Energy ecosystem. Let’s get your organisation market-ready:

  1. Read through the Considerations Before you Start for an overview of the skills, capabilities and tasks required*

2. Proactively engage teams or staff members with responsibilities for the four areas of readiness:

  • Commercial
  • Operational
  • Technical
  • Legal

3. Ensure that your internal teams action the steps outlined, depending on whether you are a Data Provider or Data Consumer, in order to prepare for data sharing. Sharing of real data will commence when the Open Energy Governance Service goes fully live.

* NB this is a summary for planning purposes and should not be used in place of more detailed operational and technical documentation.

We look forward to welcoming you to Open Energy membership. Please get in touch if you have any questions: openenergy@ib1.org.