In February we held our final Open Energy Pilot Advisory Group meetings. The Advisory Groups ran from October 2021 until February 2022 with two tracks: 1) Membership & Delivery, and 2) User Needs. The Steering Group has also met for their final meeting for the Open Energy Pilot phase supporting the overarching strategy. 

The two groups are composed of a wide range of industry leaders and subject matter experts, representing a cross section of private and public players with a unique contribution. The Advisory Groups play a critical role in Open Energy’s development, providing us with a 360 perspective that ensures that Open Energy is designed for and with the energy sector. 

Here’s a summary of everything achieved and discussed in the February meetings.

Membership & Delivery

The group discussed:

  • The recent Energy Digitalisation Task Force report recommendations
  • An update on how Open Energy is progressing
  • Shared the published Pilot Use Case 1 blog – (Use Case 1 is how the energy industry can ensure DNOs have the data they need to support a network that’s able to meet EV user needs)
  • An update on how Use Case 2 is developing (Use Case 2 is how new residential housing developers can reduce grid reliance when building new housing developments) 
  • Presented an ecosystem diagram for the MEDA core use case and how this could apply to future use cases
  • An update on the membership terms and website terms and conditions
  • A review of Open Energy’s DPIA, record of processing, and privacy notice
  • Review of IB1’s shortlist of priority organisation to approach for becoming new members 

User Needs

The group discussed:

  • The recent Energy Digitalisation Task Force report recommendations and what we should prioritise for the next stages of development
  • An update on how Open Energy is progressing
  • Presented an ecosystem diagram for the MEDA core use case and how this could apply to future use cases
  • The final version of the Use Case 1 blog publication
  • The challenges with developing the final use case of the pilot phase, as described in this blog post
  • An update from our tech team on how they are building on previous work to build a set of Jupyter notebooks to introduce data analysts to OE through enabling them to get hands-on experience with it. 

Steering Group

In this session, the Steering Group discussed

  • Reflections from the pilot phase and what we have learned throughout last six months, and where to go from here
  • What is coming next for Open Energy, and how it will continue to develop
  • How open energy can deliver the Energy Digitalisation Task Force recommendations 
  • An update on the final use case development 
  • The achievements and progress for the Membership & Delivery Advisory Group
  • The achievements and progress for the User Needs Advisory Group

If you’d like to sign up to be a part of the community review track, click here or email