In early December, we convened the final Open Energy Steering Group of 2022. The Steering Group is comprised of a wide range of industry leaders and subject matter experts, representing a cross section of private and public players with a unique contribution. The Steering Group plays a critical role in Open Energy’s development, providing us with a sector perspective that ensures that Open Energy is designed for and with the energy industry.

We discussed ongoing consultations to respond to changes in the energy sector since the last meeting, and an update on Project Perseus, focused on automating greenhouse gas emissions reporting for small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). We had an introduction and an update on the smart meter project work, and heard from Icebreaker One’s Membership and Supporter Manager about the updates to membership and how the Steering Group can shape it. We also discussed the group’s governance, including updates to the terms of reference.

Key insights from the Steering Group:

  • It is essential to have a use case driven approach to make a clear case for each stakeholder
  • It is key to convene and bring people together to solve collective challenges in order to develop a solution fit for purpose
  • Identifying the clear problem statement through engagement allows the consideration of all possible solutions when solving challenges

How you can support:

  • Please let us know about any relevant consultations where you think we could add value or help share our vision by responding — email 
  • If you are interested in getting involved with Project Perseus, there is more information here: