In July 2023 we held the second User Needs & Impact Advisory Group (AG1) and the first Communications Advisory Group (AG4). Advisory Groups provide expert input to the programme, to address commercial, non-commercial and public needs. Please see this blog post for more information on all the Advisory Groups and the meeting dates for each.

Perseus is developing whole-of-market solutions to create rapidly scalable, low-effort, low-friction sustainability reporting for SMEs. The ultimate objective is to arrive at a standardised approach that is fit for purpose for, and can be rapidly deployed across the market. The Perseus Advisory Groups will inform the development of an environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data ecosystem which accelerates the transition to net zero.

Key insights from the User Needs & Impact Advisory Group

  • Focussing on developing the infrastructure and a demonstrator will show the value and impact of Perseus to key stakeholders
  • We discussed the importance of scope and focus – doing one thing well (automating electricity data) allows for that value to be demonstrated
  • It is vital to be separating what we should focus on for the demonstrator, and what can be placed on a roadmap
  • Key to understand what is useful and impactful for each stakeholder – such as linking kilowatt hour and spend data – as that is the language SMEs speak
  • Challenges related to data access, format, and engagement were discussed, including the need for transparency and trustworthy certifications

Key insights from the Communications Advisory Group

  • We agreed on the scope and core communication goals, and identified key stakeholders we need to be properly engaging
  • It is important to have a low barrier to entry to engage with SMEs
  • The value messaging needs to reflect what is relevant to them, with tangible benefits specific to what is in it for them to participate

The Advisory Groups play a critical role in Perseus’ development. There is more information on the other Advisory Groups and their meeting dates here. If you want to get in touch with us, email us at