Sign up here to help prolong the future of energy assets

Icebreaker One is collaborating with SSEN Transmission, SSEN Distribution, IBM and Palantir on the NIMBUS (Network Innovation and Meteorology to BUild for Sustainability) project to better understand the degradation of energy assets and improve their reliability through the use of new, granular data sources.

Icebreaker One will be running an Advisory Group to convene stakeholders to collaborate on the NIMBUS project and ensure that the programme meets user needs across distribution network and transmission organisations. It will deliver cross-industry alignment on the approach, including delivering a clear use case, a roadmap of work, definitions of risk, gaps and opportunities, and it will provide recommendations for sector readiness for data sharing and data interoperability. 

The Advisory Group will:

  • Advise on the development of the NIMBUS project, and how learnings could be applied in other organisations 
  • Test the data sensitivity classes with use case relevant datasets within their own organisations 
  • Make recommendations on sector readiness for data sharing and next steps for interoperability based on the use case 
  • Advise on guidelines for applying use case analysis across the sector and for retooling for different assets 
  • Make recommendations to the government and the regulator where appropriate

The skills and expertise from participants will include:

  • Understanding market/ecosystem requirements and network functional capabilities
  • Articulating the consumer, market, societal and economic/financial benefits
  • Understand and quantify the impact to business
  • Technical knowledge of existing data and models used for asset risk assessment

This Advisory Group will typically meet every 6 weeks to input and shape the development of NIMBUS. 

For more information, please refer to the scope document.

For additional enquiries about joining the Advisory Group, please get in touch with

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