In April, we reconvened the Perseus Communications and Engagement meeting, co-chaired by Tide and Icebreaker One

This meeting aimed to give members a clear sense of what is coming next for Perseus and the project’s priorities for 2024. In addition, the meeting aimed to provide an update on AG4’s working groups’ progress and brainstorm communications activity around key project milestones.

Meeting Summary:

  • It was noted that Perseus’ communications goals include:
    • H1: Identify and mitigate reputational risks
    • H1: Highlight the value of being involved now.
    • H1&2: Communicate the Perseus use case and our key messages
    • H2: Work with other AGs to align external messaging
    • H2: Promote a successful Pilot launch to industry stakeholders and SMEs
    • 2025: Call to action for SMEs to get involved/use a product
  • It was noted that updates on AG4’s working groups (WGs) were presented:
    • AG4-WG1 – Identifying opportunities to communicate momentum
      • The group has focused on audience types and how to reach them, with a particular focus on communication between Perseus, IB1 and the members.
      • The identity of Perseus was discussed and its long-term ecosystem e.g. website, social media.
    • AG4-WG2 – Mapping and monitoring communications risks.
      • This group will be focusing on the communications risk register and 4 key risks: Misalignment leads to confusion and disengagement; Negative reception in market; Negative reception in media; No budget to attend COP.
    • AG4-WG3 – Government and regulator relationships
      • Comprising AG and SG members, this group will be kicking off in early May.
      • The group identify goals for government, regulator and governance bodies engagement, and provide updates about progress and obstacles.
  • Upcoming project milestones and communications opportunities were discussed:
  1. Fresh value cases
    • More detail and updates on who will benefit from Perseus and how.
    • Clear definition of the value case for banks, SMEs and energy providers is key.
  2. Regulation analysis
    • An agenda for government to enable Perseus and help reward SMEs for lowering emissions.
  3. Announcements about more banks joining
    • New members of Perseus to announce and show momentum.
  4. Updates on the prototype – showing that Sage and Demand Logic systems can connect to Perseus and exchange data securely
    • Key milestones can be communicated in relation to % progress to goals.
  • It was discussed that monthly AG summaries email would be useful for members to be updated on project progress and milestones.

The next meeting will take place on July 15th 2024.