In May, we brought together Stream’s Advisory Group 2 (Technical), co-chaired by Icebreaker One and Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water, which comprises subject matter experts from 16 water companies and other industry stakeholders.
Since the Day 1 Launch of the Stream platform in April 2024, Advisory Group 2 will assist in the technical requirements of publishing subsequent datasets on the platform.
May’s AG meeting aimed to:
- Understand how water companies want to use this AG, the challenges with the publication process and the improvements that can be made
- Update on data standards and Trust Framework
Key Insights
- It was noted that:
- The next priority for Stream will be considering the next step of use cases.
- AG1 reviewed the use case backlog and prioritised use cases based on three beneficiary categories – society, customers, and the environment. These categories will be further refined to ensure continual engagement with the community of data users.
- The business as usual (BAU) team will now refine the use cases and share questions with the AGs on the w/c 27th May.
- The roadmap will be circulated with AG1 (Market & User Needs) and AG2 (Technical).
- It was discussed that in order to articulate the benefit of use cases, engagement with ecosystem maps and broader stakeholders is important.
- At this stage, there has been no discussion about success criteria, but anyone is welcome to share any learnings or advice that they might have
- It was noted that the group considered the following questions:
- What do water companies want to have a say in?
- What can this AG do for you?
- Is there anything that would support you to engage with the technical process to accelerate the progress of Stream?
- It was discussed that:
- Water companies are keen to receive advice on best practices.
- There could be an opportunity to engage with broader stakeholders from a technical standpoint, to address systemic challenges.
- A lot of blockers come from internal people/processes, rather than the platform. Work is being done with Liz & Tina (Comms) to aid this.
- It was noted that the Data Standards team have recommended the following changes for acceptance by the Advisory Group:
- Addition of GEMINI 2.3 as the metadata standard, based upon INSPIRE
- Updating the main page ( to clarify that these are a work in progress, but are also the current accepted version of the data standards for Stream
- The addition of a schema section for Stream data
- The addition of schema for the use cases that are already published
- It was agreed that the changes were accepted by the AG and will be taken to the SG for review.
- It was noted that the Trust Framework Process Updates included:
- Members can sign up to become members of the WSTF.
- Assurance includes verification of both data and organisations, helping to improve quality of published data and to increase transparency.
The next meeting will take place on June 27th 2024.