In July, we convened the Perseus Engagement & Communications Advisory Group, co-chaired by Tide and Icebreaker One

Date: 15th July 2024 10:00-11:30 BST

Location: online

Co-Chairs: Zarina Banu (Tide); Laura Townshend (IB1)

Secretariat: IB1

Meeting aims:

  1. Agree H2 comms goals 
  2. Approve risk register
  3. Review key comms opportunities for rest of 2024


  • Upcoming project milestones and communications opportunities were discussed:
    • New members announcement
    • Prototype launch
    • Pilot launch
  • It was agreed that:
    • We will communicate around three upcoming milestones in the second half of the year outlined above
    • AG members were broadly happy with the H2 2024 comms goals with an strengthening on the language around value proposition and customer segmentation
  • It was discussed that:
    • Value of messaging for individual segments, including more focus on value proposition and when / how to engage them in Perseus
    • Having materials and messaging ready in time with other key political events/actions in August / September and launch would be more impactful
    • Some of the risks raised by WG2 are wider project risks, and warrants being raised to the programme group to ensure escalated appropriately 
  • It was noted that:
    • Perseus product progress & timeline and Pilot user journey preliminary mapping (with parameters) were presented
    • AG3 (Legal & Policy) members are reviewing a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA), and Dispute and Complaints Resolution Procedure 
  • It was noted that updates on AG4’s working groups (WGs) were presented:
    • AG4-WG1 Identifying opportunities to communicate momentum
      • Held a discussion where Perseus needs to strengthen brand identity, firmed up three coming milestones 
    • AG4-WG2 Mapping and monitoring communications risks
      • Discussed and added to the risk register 
    • AG4-WG3 Government and regulator relationships
      • Working with stakeholders on communication and aligned policy. Their key focus is developing a stakeholder map of key relationships across the policy ecosystem, in the Labour government and other key players that have influence on policy. 

Next meeting: 22nd October 2024

Formal records are maintained by the secretariat. These are confidential to the Advisory Group Members.