Target: Influence $3.6T of investment per annum to be demonstrably net zero
Mission: Make data work harder to deliver net zero
Advisory Board Members are independent, neutral experts who volunteer their time to help advise Icebreaker One in the delivery of its mission.
Members shall:
- Provide strategic guidance and direction based on their expertise & market insights
- Actively facilitate connections with senior leaders
- Where appropriate, represent IB1 in public forums
The IB1 Advisory Board meets a minimum of four times per annum for a two-hour meeting. This meeting is online by default. Where relevant, papers for discussion will be circulated in advance for review.
Skills, roles and responsibilities
Members are encouraged to act as a ‘critical friend’ to the organisation to bring their knowledge and expertise to help deliver the mission.
Members participate as individual experts, not as representatives of their organisation(s).
Membership is renewed on a rolling annual basis.
There is no minimum or maximum term.
We aim to have a diverse and representative board of 4-8 individuals who can represent the skills and needs of the Icebreaker One target audience(s).
The constitution of the Advisory Board will aim to include those with:
- Expertise in:
- data strategy
- sustainability, finance and ESG reporting
- Utilities, infrastructure and/or built world strategy and investment
- Connections with:
- Policymakers, regulators, governments, supranational bodies (e.g. UN, G20)
- Finance and investment communities (e.g. credit rating agencies, banking, asset management, sovereign wealth funds, stock markets, investors)
- Industrial sectors (energy, water, built world, transport, agriculture)
- Sustainability ecosystems (e.g. sustainable finance, accounting and reporting)
Processes and related notes
- Membership is unpaid.
- Members are independent advisors to, and not employees of, Icebreaker One.
- No employment contract is implied or inferred.
- Membership confers no liability nor creates any fiduciary responsibility to Members.
- Where appropriate, and mutually agreed in advance, reasonable expenses may be covered.
- Members consent to be listed as such on public Icebreaker One material (e.g. website), in a mutually agreed manner.
- It is agreed that there are no conflicts of interest with Members. However, should any material or potential material conflict of interest be identified, both parties shall act to ensure transparency with the Advisory Board and resolution of such conflict to its satisfaction.
- Minutes of meetings will be taken. These are considered company confidential.