In September, we brought together Stream’s Advisory Group 1 (Market & User Needs) which comprises subject matter experts from 16 water companies and other industry stakeholders. Co-chaired by Icebreaker One, Northumbrian Water and Stream, this group advises and supports the project partners as they commence work on Stream’s Implementation Phase

September’s AG1 meeting was aimed at:

1. Updating members on the governance changes and role of pillar champions

2. Providing feedback to the pillar champions on strategy and achievement states for Ecosystem and Use Cases.

Date: 24th September 2024 10:00-11:30 BST

Location: online

  • It was noted that there is now clarity of purpose for the pillars, with 4 pillar champions established. 
  • It was noted that members will give feedback on the miro board, focusing on purpose, outcome and achievement statements. The Use Case pillar requires critical input with a want to understand the focus that members are looking for this programme of work to deliver.
  • It was discussed that the aim of the four pillars is to bring water company members into the operation of Stream, allowing for true collaboration and embedded water company expertise. 
  • It was discussed that members will offer insights on key questions surrounding the ecosystem pillar. The framework for engagement was discussed, and a 3 strand approach presented for review.
  • Members were asked to discuss the purpose and outcome statements for the ecosystem pillar and it was noted that each pillar having a clear purpose and outcome statement is a helpful format to apply across pillars.
  • It was noted that good progress is being made across the relevant OKRs. From a Use Case and Datasets perspective there is a focus on growing the amount of data published to Stream and that this will be driven through value and potential work on larger data sets.
  • The use of the marketing funnel was proposed, to map the progression from being aware to actively engaged, it being noted that having a retention or referral metric would be useful for the groups that take action.
  • The effectiveness of driving awareness through posting on Linkedin was discussed, with a point to measuring the impact of each post against its purpose to drive action. 
  • It was noted that other channels should be explored for measuring engagement due to the limits of LinkedIn use, particularly for engaging in academia where engagement is higher via journals and conferences. 

The next meeting will take place on 19th November 2024.


Elysia Moore, Stream Product Owner

Charlotte Hillenbrand, IB1

Melissa Tallack, NWL

Secretariat support:

Icebreaker One

Formal records, including attendees, are maintained by the secretariat, and are confidential to the Advisory Group members.