- Icebreaker One
- IB1 — Open Energy
- IB1 — Project Cygnus
- IB1 — SERI
- Colours & font
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Credits, Trademarks and copyright notices are here
Icebreaker One logo
back to topIcebreaker One logo + strapline
back to topIB1 Badge (’roundel’)
back to topIB1 — Open Energy™
back to topIB1 — Project Cygnus
back to topIB1 — SERI
back to topColours & font
Font: Open Sans
IB1 Black: #0D1C22
IB1 Dark Blue: #1A3844
IB1 Grey No.4: #5A7084
IB1 Grey No.3: #91A9BD
IB1 Grey No.2: #C8D4DE
IB1 Grey No.1: #ECF0F1
IB1 Orange No.1: #ff4d11
IB1 Yellow: #FFEC00