
We’re here to help you be successful.
Build on our experience to save you time and money.

Good governance doesn’t add delay – it accelerates adoption
(and you don’t put governance on the shelf when you’re in a hurry)


Create value from data internally and externally by unlocking data discovery, sharing and use.


The Icebreaking process is tailored to programme-specific needs. Outputs include:

  • Identification of priority use case(s) from both internal & external perspectives that are linked to impact
    (e.g. finance/ESG, energy, transport, built world, water, agriculture, as agreed during the programme)
  • Exploration of product and service innovation, driven by priority use cases
  • Models to help break down internal & external data silos and unlock internal innovation
  • Partnership development with stakeholders and related parts of the Net Zero Data value chain
  • Collaboration with IB1 to develop and foster the broader innovation ecosystem
    (e.g. joint bidding, joint development with startups, secondment as deemed appropriate).

IB1 acts as an independent catalyst to collaborative action. It is a neutral, non-partisan, non-profit. It delivers impact by unlocking trusted data sharing at market scale. This open market architecture for data sharing includes both commercial and non-commerical data.

IB1’s Icebreaking process convenes stakeholders around specific net zero challenges. It identifies priority use cases, maps ecosystems, and creates implementation roadmaps.

With strong governance and oversight, stakeholders and experts collaborate to co-design rule books that address the use cases. These are known as Schemes. Schemes address stakeholder needs, legal, technical, policy and communications.

Schemes can focus on issues, geographies and/or sectors. They bring together stakeholders across the financial economy and the real economy. We use Trust Frameworks to implement Schemes. They can be adopted at market scale because they are co-developed by stakeholders.

Process: to go far, we go together

Our process includes Steering Groups with up to five Advisory Groups to ensure that we can co-design and implement market-wide solutions, address specific user needs and address technical (data standards, APIs, etc.) and non-technical (legal, policy, communication) areas.

Icebreaker One, as an independent, neutral non-profit, assists by convening and catalysing activity across sectors and bridging between the public and private sectors.


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Why do we need good data governance and why is it valuable for me?

In a rapidly evolving landscape where data and digitalisation underpin an ever-expanding range of processes, products and services, good data governance enables management teams and boards to run organisations legally, ethically, sustainably, and successfully. It also enables organisations to work for the benefit of different stakeholders, such as shareholders, staff, clients and customers, and for the good of both wider society and the environment. 

Establishing good data governance is valuable because it empowers organisations to make clear and legitimate decisions, identify and appropriately manage risks, respond effectively to change, and foster trust. Each of these areas of governance activity contributes both to the success of individual organisations and to the establishment of wider ecosystems supporting trusted practices that bring co-benefits to all ecosystem members, wider society, and the environment.

Three key drivers inform the imperatives for organisations in the UK, and internationally, to establish robust data governance: 1) legal and policy change 2) risk management needs 3) business and organisational development.

  1. In the UK, legislation is changing and establishing new rules that will impact data sharing across the economy. This is evolving rapidly through legislative and regulatory interventions. IB1 is involved in this landscape (e.g. its CEO is co-chair of the UK Smart Data Council) and actively engages with relevant stakeholders (e.g. government, regulators, code bodies) on an ongoing basis.
  1. Commercial and non-commercial organisations are also seeking to improve the management of existing risks (e.g. security, licensing, liabilities), and to better understand and handle emerging risks (e.g. AI, ML). Such risks impact not only individual organisations, but sectors, and at national level (e.g. national security, competitive threats, monopoly behaviours).  Jurisdictions around the world are taking similar approaches. Robust governance reduces risks and liabilities.
  1. All organisations are seeking to connect data more effectively, to increase their ability to derive meaningful insights, to manage costs, improve efficiencies and to innovate. As the sources and users of data grow, the complexity of managing multiple stakeholders within, and across, sectors, aligning approaches is crucial to manage complexity and increase value.

About Icebreaker One
Icebreaker One is a UK-headquartered independent, non-partisan, global non-profit. It connects private and public sector leaders to grasp the opportunity to transform the climate crisis into economic innovation. Its mission is to make data work harder to deliver net-zero, working across finance, agriculture, energy, transport, water and the built world. Its data infrastructure initiatives include Perseus, Stream, Open Energy, the Standard for Environment, Risk and Insurance (SERI) and Project Cygnus.

To engage with Icebreaking, just email and we’ll discuss your needs and set up the process.