Join — 2024-2025 Perseus membership

In 2024-2025 Perseus is moving from concept to implementation. It is driven by its members. As a member, your organisation will influence the future of green financing, emissions reporting and data sharing across the economy.

Membership enables:

  1. Your needs to be included in the design and implementation
  2. Direct influence in design and implementation via Advisory Groups and Working Groups
  3. Direct engagement in, and integration with, the 2024-2025 pilot development
  4. Early visibility of sectoral developments, allowing you to strategically position for the future
  5. Opportunities for new relationships and collaborations
  6. Material visibility and brand opportunities
  7. Membership of the IB1 Core Trust Framework (additional opt-in required) in preparation for the Perseus Scheme implementation (nb: Scheme pricing will be developed and approved by the Perseus membership).

IB1 acts as the implementation partner, working alongside B4NZ as the Principal and NZBA Convener.

Perseus Membership (2024-2025 pricing for the pilot)

Perseus Membership - Medium Business (turnover £10M-36M)

Pay what you want
3340 or more
Subscription product
Once you join, we will bill you monthly in accordance with the Terms. You will be automatically charged £3,340 for each month.
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Perseus Membership - Medium Business (turnover £10M-36M)


Membership enables participation in the Advisory Groups, inclusion in reports, briefings, and invitations to selected events.

We propose a figure of between £3,340 (£40k/y) and £5,000 per month (£60k/y) — to ensure that the programme is open and accessible to all businesses, we have made this tier flexible to address differing budgets. For businesses with turnover £10M-36M/y.

To ensure that the programme is open and accessible to all businesses, we have made the fees flexible and “pay what you can afford”, and propose the values below as a guide.

We will invoice annual fees in advance unless otherwise agreed. Alternatively, you can sign up above.

  • ‘startup/micro’ businesses: we propose between £50 and £1,000 per month.
  • Small: from £1,000
  • Medium: from £3,000
  • Large/enterprise: from £4,000 per month (full partner is £150k/year)

Our target is to hit the total budget defined in the 2024 plan with as many members engaged as possible. The 2025 budget will be published once complete.

If you have any questions or require an invoice, please contact

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