Key assets for the Perseus 2023 programme are below
2023-06 Launch video & testimonials

Programme partner and member reference documents
Perseus members engage directly in its design, scope, development and delivery.
- One-page executive summary (PDF download v2023-02-06)
- Letter from Minister Stuart
- Business cases
- Latest Steering Group minutes 2023-06-13 with supporting slides [PDF]
(includes timelines, mock screenshots, architecture and data flows) - Statement of Works [PDF v2023-06-01]
- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Service Order for Perseus [Word Document v2023-06-01]
- Sign up to Advisory Group(s)
- Steering Group Terms of Reference (PDF download v2023-02-03)
- Advisory Group Terms of Reference (PDF download v2023-05-24)
- Media assets for socials/etc (Gdoc v2023-11-14)
Steering Group members

Advisory Group structure
The approved Advisory Group structure spans five areas, as shown below. Register here

Who is connected across the ecosystem?

Market architecture

What’s in it for me? (SME, bank, accountant, application, auditor, energy company, policymaker)
Narratives at
Overview of real and financial economy data flows
Mapping out the data flows for electricity, its journey across the value chain, and its translation into carbon reporting.

Understanding the world of carbon and ESG reporting is hard. We’ve distilled out an example of the system here. For more narrative, please see our ongoing work

Concept note (what might this look like for a user? One-click access to enable consent to share data)

Concept note (illustrative only)
Enabling small and medium-sized businesses to share their energy data with two clicks, to drive engagement and unlock assurable data flow.
The architecture of Perseus