When: 20 May 2021, 10am-11am BST

Where: Online, sign up via Eventbrite

Archived webinar:



As the climate changes, risks from environmental factors will increasingly impact both insurers and the insurance sector. Added to this, TCFD-related regulation and other climate-related regulation will soon be coming into effect. How will the insurance sector respond?

Establishing a sector-wide data sharing framework will be central to the solution – yet this faces several challenges. What regulatory framework would be required to make data sharing effective – or at least give it a kick start? 

In this hour-long event, these and related issues surrounding Net Zero and the insurance industry will be discussed. The SERI team will answer questions from the audience and share information on how to contribute to the SERI programme.

SERI (Standard for Environmental Risk and Insurance) is a UKRI and EIT Climate-KIC -funded programme.