To go far, we go together
Having spoken with dozens of stakeholders and prospective partners over the last four weeks, we have had 100% positive feedback on both concept and approach. Of greatest resonance were:
- To do one thing well, by COP28 this year
- To lay the foundations for decision-making, linked to material impact, at market-wide scale
- To go far, we need to go together
We have received superb support from steering board members (e.g. ICAEW, IoD) and our next Steering meeting is on Monday 27th March 2023. This meeting will sign off on the Advisory Group structure, and report back on the commercial commitments being made. We have also expanded the Steering Group with EnergyUK, CBI, Innovate Finance and the British Chambers of Commerce.
Please let us know where you are in your process, and how we can best support you in making a verbal, or written, commitment before Monday 27th March — contact perseus@ib1.org
Register interest in Advisory Groups here
Sign up as a member (online or PDF downloads)
We’ve also heard more about the many existing initiatives across the sector that are working to deliver impact. In every case, Perseus is seen as additive, not competitive and feedback has included that access to assurable, real economy data is essential; that this approach will deliver it with lower friction and cost than current processes; that this will lay the foundations for future scale in terms of both scope and reach.
As part of the business case, we’ve heard that Perseus will,
- “Address financed emissions and avoid greenwashing risk”
- “Bring strong stewardship, leadership and process to address assurability”
- “use proven architectural approaches that we are familiar with in Open Banking to unlock data innovation”
If SMEs can do for Net Zero what they’ve done for Fintech over the last decade,
we’ll be in a very good position.
We have received written and verbal commitments: organisations are now joining. We have greatly appreciated the pace at which prospective partners have engaged, including in procurement processes in a busy end-of-year. We have also heard very personal commitments to embrace the sense of urgency we all need to engage with to deliver a net zero future. Thank you.