In December 2022, Icebreaker One launched Perseus at the House of Lords with Bankers for Net Zero (B4NZ, the UK chapter of the UN Net-Zero Banking Alliance, working alongside GFANZ), which was followed by a Parliamentary launch on the 27th June 2023 to announce the founding partners. The sense of urgency and commitment to Perseus’ success was palpable as we celebrated with a diverse range of partners and friends. There is still time to get involved and be a part of this important process as we build toward COP 28 in December.
Perseus is developing whole-of-market solutions to create rapidly scalable, low-effort, low-friction sustainability reporting by automating access to the raw (‘primary’) data that is used to report. We have launched an expression of interest for stakeholders to apply for the Perseus Advisory Groups which is still open for new applications. The purpose of the Advisory Groups, which will take place for the remainder of 2023, is to provide expert input to the programme, to address commercial, non-commercial and public needs. Participants will include a wide range of subject matter experts to meet the diverse needs of the project, and to ensure it is representative of stakeholders.
Fill in this sign up form to apply for the Perseus Advisory Groups
(NB: you must also join Perseus as a Member)
Update on the Advisory Groups:
Note we have marked some dates as provisional as we are still forming the groups.

1. User Needs and Impact
We held the first User Needs & Impact Advisory Group – in which attendees agreed and endorsed the scope of work for the group and the programme in 2023.
Upcoming meetings:
- 13 July
- 6 September
- 9 October
- 15 November
2. Technical infrastructure
We are inviting applications to this Advisory Group which will agree on technical metadata and data standards for publishing data, including machine-readable standards and data access.
Upcoming meetings:
- 21 September
- 19 October
- 16 November
Please express your interest here.
3. Data licensing & legal
We are inviting applications to this Advisory Group which will develop standard legal data licences that allow Shared Data to flow securely across the market, with consent, in alignment with Data Sensitivity Classes.
Upcoming meetings:
- 26 September
- 26 October
- 20 November
Please express your interest here.
4. Engagement & Communications
This Advisory Group addresses the user experience, signposting and inspiring behavioural change; to create awareness, engagement and impact with stakeholders.
Upcoming meetings:
- 17 July
- 13 September
- 12 October
- 14 November
5. Policy
We are inviting applications to this Advisory Group which will address potential policy interventions.
Upcoming meetings:
- 19 September
- 16 October
- 21 November
Please express your interest here.
Contact us at with any questions.