
In October, we convened the second Perseus Data licensing & legal meeting, co-chaired by Pinset Masons and Icebreaker One. During this meeting, the AG3 scoping document was reviewed and endorsed. We discussed what the key principles and parameters are that we would like the Perseus system to adhere with, and what our definition of ‘good’ is.  We also discussed what the key barriers to Perseus implementation are.

Key meeting insights 

  • The language in point 1a of the scoping document was discussed – it was noted that SMEs are not protected under GDPR, only sole traders. It was agreed that the language should be changed to reflect that.
  • It was also agreed that SMEs still require a level of protection. The purpose under which SMEs are consenting to the use of their data should be clear and the scope should ensure SMEs’ data is not used beyond this purpose.
  • It was noted there is a difficulty in easily identifying sole traders at the moment and a solution is importing with regard to use of data and permissions.
  • It was agreed that a glossary of terms is needed across the project; to include definitions of raw, enriched and derived data.
  • The group agreed they need the chance to discuss an actual use case in order to best explore the licensing and legal needs and barriers.

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