In June, we brought together Stream’s Advisory Group 2 (Technical), co-chaired by Icebreaker One and Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water,  which comprises subject matter experts from 16 water companies and other industry stakeholders.

Since the Day 1 Launch of the Stream platform in April 2024, Advisory Group 2 will assist in the technical requirements of publishing subsequent datasets on the platform.

June’s AG meeting aimed to:

  1. Recap of the Data Triage document
  2. Upcoming timeline for data sharing agreements
  3. Water companies to share success and challenges of data publishing process

Date: 24th June 2024 10:30-12:00 BST

Location: online


  • It was noted that an update from Advisory Group 1 (User Needs) presented the roadmap for publishing the next set of datasets.
    • Prioritised use cases include:
      • Water company boundaries
      • Open active
      • Vulnerable customers
    • Workshops will be taking place in July to introduce the prioritised use cases.
  • It was noted that an update on data sharing agreements outlined:
    • “Shared Data” is data with a preemptive licence [many-to-many]. 
    • A “Shared Data licence” is a “preemptive licence” for sharing data.
    • WSTF:
      • will provide identity management and specify assurance rules
      • contains agreed open standards
      • specifies roles requiring named individuals 
    • Stream Scheme:
      • contains agreed shared data licences 
      • will have additional governance as agreed
      • may define additional roles
    • Stream Scheme cannot go live/launch until WSTF is agreed
    • It was discussed that:
      • Updates on the legal documentation will be shared once it has been approved by the Steering Group
  • It was noted that Data Triage Guidance was presented. The document outlines a minimum standard checklist for data triage including identifying datasets; data roles; documentation; risks and mitigation; publication; user engagement; and review.
  • It was noted that water company representatives shared their experience of the publishing process:
    • Ensuring adequate resourcing e.g. a dedicated open data lead allows companies to progress publication
    • Companies with a dedicated lead were able to resolve issues efficiently
    • Establishing a process for data publication helped to set up success for future publication of datasets
  • It was noted that roles and expertise needed within a Trust Framework include:
    • Trust Framework Licence Controller
    • Trust Framework Data Controller
    • It was discussed that the term ‘controller’ could be misinterpreted and will be reconsidered by IB1

The next meeting will take place on August 19th 2024.


Justin Doran, Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water

Lucy Chambers, Icebreaker One

Secretariat support:

Icebreaker One

Formal records, including attendees, are maintained by the secretariat, and are confidential to the Steering Group members.