In June, we brought together Stream’s Advisory Group 1 (Market & User Needs) which comprises subject matter experts from 16 water companies and other industry stakeholders.

June’s AG meeting aimed to:

  1. Brief recap on current Use Cases and the process to get there
  2. Discussion on prioritised use cases unlock value for your customers
  3. Breakout groups for discussions on the value framework 

Date: 27th June 2024 10:00-11:30 BST

Location: online


  • It was noted that the use case prioritisation process was re-capped, establishing Open Active and Vulnerable Customers as the two prioritised use cases for Stream.
  • It was noted that a vote was posed to members to confirm progression of the Open Active use case. To achieve quorum, the outcome of this vote will be confirmed once members have voted offline via survey.
  • It was agreed that each Advisory Group member will have one vote.
  • It was noted that despite the Vulnerable Customers use cases ranking highly on the value framework, Support for All has since communicated it is not looking to partner at the moment. Therefore, members were asked to vote on whether the Vulnerable Customers use case should be paused. To achieve quorum, the outcome of this vote will be confirmed once members have voted offline via survey.
  • It was discussed that connecting with Innovation Managers could enable Stream to become more embedded into data-related innovation projects.
  • It was noted that members reflected on the Value Framework, with ideas captured on the Miro board.
    • Key questions included:
      • Does this reflect on what we should be valuing?
      • Would you be happy for this to act as a guide for future use cases?
      • How do we actively operationalise this?
      • How can we more accurately score against these items?
    • Group 1 discussion:
      • Key discussion points focussed on economic value; the difference between internal and external audiences; and weighting the different elements of the framework.
      • Articulating how open data culture growth fits within the value framework could be clearer.
      • To differentiate scoring, introducing a “very high” criteria may aid in accelerating the prioritisation of high value use cases.
    • Group 2 discussion:
      • Weighting should be flexible to adapt with Stream’s objectives and the Steering Group’s guidance.
      • It would be valuable to understand triage risks (ethics, reputation) earlier in the process, before delving deeper into value.
      • Delivering data before it becomes a requirement, should be a priority.

The next meeting will take place on 19th August 2024.


Elysia Moore, Anglian Water

Charlotte Hillenbrand, IB1

Secretariat support:

Icebreaker One

Formal records, including attendees, are maintained by the secretariat, and are confidential to the Steering Group members.