In July, we reconvened the Perseus Legal & Policy Advisory Group, co-chaired by Pinsent Masons and Innovate Finance.

Date: 11th July 2024 10:00-11:30 BST

Location: online

Co-Chairs: Chris Martin (Pinsent Masons); Adam Jackson (Innovate Finance)

Secretariat: IB1

Meeting aims:

  1. To discuss key works in progress including DPIA for pilot, permissioning and consent and governance change recommendations.
  2. To vote on the proposed Dispute resolution procedure and proposal to not use an external consent manager for the pilot.


  • It was noted that a draft DPIA for pilot was presented for feedback.
    • Scenarios where sole trader information is classified as personal data will be identified.
  • It was noted that a first draft of the consumer facing aspects for the grant of permission/consent was presented for feedback.
    • Permission is used rather than consent as Perseus deals with personal and non-personal data.
    • The first draft currently includes potential customer facing wording covering either single or dual consent structures – the structure will be finalised pending legal advice.
    • AG1 has established the data needs of banks/finance providers to comprise the following derived data:
      • An estimate of current emissions
      • An estimate of projected emissions following any proposed intervention(s) that could be financed
      • A periodic update to corroborate projected emissions savings
    • It was discussed that:
      • Banks may need energy consumption data to offer green loans as carbon data doesn’t not completely cover legal requirements.
      • The user journey and UX implications were considered.
  • It was noted that the pilot user journey was presented.
  • It was agreed that a working group would be formed to discuss ‘regulatory/governance and legislative change’.
  • It was noted that members were asked to vote on:
    • The draft dispute resolution procedure
    • The proposal to use/not use an external consent manager for Pilot
  • It was noted that an update on AG4’s stakeholder map was shared including the strategy to align on core asks and policy requests.

Next meeting: 17th October 2024

Formal records are maintained by the secretariat. These are confidential to the Advisory Group Members.