In July, we convened the Perseus Technical Advisory Group, co-chaired by Normative and Icebreaker One.
Date: 17th July 2024 10:00-11:30 BST
Location: online
- Frank Wales, IB1
- Ross Doherty, Normative (apologies)
Secretariat: IB1
Meeting aims:
- Formal sign off of key milestones
- Updates on directory service and prototyping and documentation plan
- Identify new lead for WG2 – Platform and Systems
- Clarify remit of working groups for the next quarter
It was noted that:
- AG2-WG2: Platforms & Systems gave the following update:
- Work is focused on the requirements for the Directory Service and specifically how companies will be able to register for an account
- The group is seeking existing open banking Directory Service providers and for members to share RFI/RFP questionnaires.
- AG2-WG1: Data Standards gave the following update:
- Work on permission and emission specifications is detailed in the WG’s outputs doc.
- The group is considering how to evidence permissions, and it was agreed that this would include separate timestamps for permissions revoked and expired fields.
- Defined by AG1, the bank’s requirement will be to receive emissions data at monthly resolution, annually.
- It was agreed that data will be provided only for whole months up to the end of “last month” to prevent smaller increments allowing finer-resolution data to be retrieved
- Consumption information is currently not planned to be included for banks. AG2 is awaiting confirmation from AG1 whether consumption information is a requirement for banks’ ESG reporting before adding it
- Work on permission and emission specifications is detailed in the WG’s outputs doc.
- The user journey and authentication flow was presented to members.
- Voting will now take place via Google forms. Members will be able to vote in the lead up to the meeting, during and seven days following the meeting.
- An update on the directory service and prototyping was presented with a platform demo.
- Next steps: documentation on user authentication and consent; continue work on directory prototype
- 1. User accounts to manage organisations
- 2. Certificate issuance
- 3. Directory listing endpoints
- Next steps: documentation on user authentication and consent; continue work on directory prototype
- Q3 deliverables include:
- Smart Meter energy data provider integration
- BMS energy data provider integration
- Bank integration
- Provenance definition
- Directory platform instantiation
- Registry platform instantiation
- Technical/developer documentation
- Monitoring systems defined and running
- Working Group 2 (Platforms and Systems) and Working Group 3 (Tech and Dev Documentation) are seeking leads.
Voting outcomes:
- Approval of the data specifications for electricity consumption; tariff; and emissions data
- Approval of use of openly-published ESO regional intensity data
- Approval of permission mechanism and representation
Next meeting: October 16th 2024
Formal records are maintained by the secretariat. These are confidential to the Advisory Group Members.