In July, we reconvened Stream’s Steering Group which comprises experts that represent water companies, regulators, research, innovation bodies and government. 

Co-chaired by Icebreaker One and NWL, the group’s primary function is to help provide leadership and market signalling. Oversight of, and endorsement from, this group will establish a lasting set of robust governance measures to ensure data is shared safely and with the correct regulations.

Date: 25th July 2024 10:00-12:00 BST

Location: online

Co-Chairs: Melissa Tallack (NWL); Gavin Starks (IB1)

Secretariat: IB1

Meeting aims:

  1. Foster a greater feeling of accountability and commitment to delivering value
  2. Discuss governance evolution ideas
  3. SG members to understand what actions to take 
  4. AG co-chairs to update on activities


  • It was noted that:
    • Water companies are starting to look beyond regulation and proactively look for organisational benefits from the publication of data.
    • There was a positive sentiment towards all three of the questions asked in the polls:
      • Are you happy to support a bid to Ofwat’s Water Breakthrough Challenge for contribution to core operating costs for the three years beyond July 2025?
      • Are you happy to pursue these recommended funding options?
      • Are you happy to support this model of working, with an allocated member ‘champion’ or ‘sponsor’, on a rotational basis that can ‘own’ a pillar and co-chair the corresponding group, moving forward?
    • The value framework has been updated and will be tested with forthcoming use cases.
    • AG2 has accepted the following changes:
      • Gemini 2.3 has been added as a metadata standard, based on INSPIRE
      • The addition of schema for the use cases that are already published
    • AG1 and AG2 are working to sync with one another in terms of communication.
    • Use case selection is a challenging process and it might be worth bringing in Innovation Managers into this process.
    • For AG2 members, there’s a lot to do to make sure the Data Triage process has sunk in.
      • In addition, they need clear terminology alongside defined roles and responsibilities to ensure that the right people are in the meeting to answer key questions.
    • A vote took place on the following issues. Quorum is yet to be reached with the deadline extended to Thursday 8th August:
      • Open Active
      • Vulnerable Customers
      • 1 Year Objectives
      • OKRs
  • It was agreed that:
    • A deep dive will take place on data documentation and metadata, bringing in the lessons learned from APRs whilst updating new members on current processes and previous decisions taken.
    • Water company members will share the Community and Engagement Manager role within their communications and marketing teams to determine if they can take on the secondment.
  • It was discussed that:
    • The Stream platform should have a space that encourages early conversations to help signpost potential users and innovation managers to the right opportunities within Stream.
    • Stream is proposing to keep water company contributions at a similar level to what they are now.
    • The operating pillars are a great way to drive forward a sustainable future for Stream. The aim is to update the current governance structure in line with these pillars, introducing rotating chairs every 12 weeks from the water companies to increase ownership of Stream. 

Voting outcomes:

  • Approval of AG1 Priority use cases
  • Approval of one-year objectives
  • Approval of OKR revision/update
    • Option A – 5 votes
    • Option B – 5 votes

The next meeting will take place on 3rd September 2024.

Formal records are maintained by the secretariat. These are confidential to the Advisory Group Members.