In January, we brought together Stream’s Advisory Group 2 (Technical) which comprises subject matter experts from 16 water companies and other industry stakeholders. Co-chaired by Icebreaker One and Anglian Water, this group advises and supports the project partners as they commence work on Stream’s Implementation Phase.

Date: 20th January 2025 11:30-13:00 BST

Location: online

Co-Chairs: Wes Thomas (Anglian Water); Lucy Chambers (IB1)

Secretariat: IB1

January’s meeting was aimed at:

  1. Providing a review for any missing details in Tech pillar work
  2. Providing awareness and looking for feedback around the Cleaning Up UK’s Rivers and Sea use case
  3. Surfacing ideas for the citizen science element of the CUURS use case


  • It was noted that:
    • Achievement state updates were given for the Operations and Technical pillars
      • Operations pillar update: Two new Working Groups will be kicking off in the next few weeks.
        • Legal: to streamline legal decision-making processes
        • Governance: to build governance processes to enable efficient decision-making and explore self-sufficiency.
      • Technical pillar update: The AG will be focusing on the “technology will make full use of the ESRI platform features, incorporate citizen science infrastructure, and move towards automated data flows” achievement state later in the meeting (item 5 and 6)
    • 2024 Q4 Objective and Key Results (OKRs) update:
      • Achieved 2 key results in every pillar. Some tasks had to be deprioritised due to the amount of BAU resource needed for NSOH work. Including testing data sharing via an API connection and publishing two new use case pages to the platform.
    • 2025 Q1 OKR Technology update:
  • Focussed on putting future proof foundations in place, supporting the discovery and research into citizen science and info sessions, and refining backlog to align with achievement states
  • 2025 Q1 OKR Operations update:
  • Streamlining and putting solid foundations in place now that we know what works and how it works
  • Clean up UK’s Rivers Lakes and Seas use case has three product outcomes
    • Increased understanding in need and value of water-relation datasets. 
    • Working towards increased Citizen Science engagement 
    • Working at the end of the quarter will be looking at the feedback from Open Data Day and data publishing for refinement
  • It was agreed that:
    • For automation tooling, the team should use Esri’s recommended tool Make as it is free to use for under 1000 runs / month, and does not require custom coding. Online polling (12-0) indicated AG2’s support for the BAU team’s recommended option. This tool will be used to send email notifications to the product team about things that happen on the platform.
    • With a note to look into if there is an option to hold/process data in the UK and to make use of UK GDPR contractual clauses
  • It was discussed that:
    • The final recommendation from the Technology pillar champions from their capabilities assessment are to
      • Purchase Stream’s own Microsoft account
      • Move to GitHub to Stream ownership
      • Access CRM requirements
      • Access Event Management Technology
    • We should consider the potential user story for the Citizen science data collection tool: if there would be the possibility of accessing citizen science data by initiatives (rather than part of bulk upload).
      • It would be useful to hear more on the data being collected and how the tool could be shaped by that. 
    • The Data Standards update is considered approved as no objections were raised by 24 January 2025. 

Formal records, including attendees, are maintained by the secretariat, and are confidential to the Advisory Group members.