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How to contribute
Help to shape the future of SME emissions reporting by becoming a project member and joining the project advisory groups.
Advisory groups are the process through which we convene sectoral insights that guide the development of the project’s outputs. They are a forum for stakeholders from different interested parties such as banks, carbon accounting solutions, data providers, and auditors, to come together to identify user needs and data use cases and align on the technical, legal, and commercial frameworks to govern the exchange of emissions data.
The advisory groups
Please complete this form to let us know which Advisory Groups you’d like to join
(NB: you must join Perseus as a Member)

Advisory Group 1- User Needs & Impact
This group will explore, prioritise and work through use cases that should be supported by Perseus. This includes identifying defined users, their needs, and mapping the data value chain and ecosystem surrounding each use case. It will also identify the appropriate underlying framework and reporting standards (eg. with PCAF, CDP) and agree the data and measurement requirements that represent the greatest potential for materiality.
Advisory Group 2 – Technical Infrastructure
This group will agree technical metadata and data standards for publishing data, including machine-readable standards and data access (e.g. APIs).
Advisory Group 3 – Data Licensing & Legal
This group will develop standard legal data licences that allow Shared Data to flow securely across the market, with consent, in alignment with Data Sensitivity Classes. This will include key policies, such as conditions for participation, roles and responsibilities. The outputs of this group will address the necessary licences and requirements for a functioning access control.
Advisory Group 4 – Communications & Engagement
This group will address the user experience, signposting and inspiring behavioural change; to create awareness, engagement and impact with stakeholders.
Advisory Group 5 – Policy
Policy to address potential policy interventions (including corporate policy such as potential in loan conditions, procurement and/or FCA/Ofgem intervention).
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