A public-access show & tell covering the results of the Modernising Energy Data Access Discovery Phase took place on Wednesday 15 July 1pm-14.30pm with presentations from:

  • Siemens (13.00pm – 13.30pm)
  • Electron (13.30pm – 14.00pm)
  • Icebreaker One (14.00pm – 14.30pm)

Recordings of the Discovery Phase Show & Tell is here (password 3V&r@Wf.2)

The 1 June 2020 stakeholder launch kickoff meeting is here (password 2K@H04=9)

Presentations will cover the projects’ activity over the initial 6-week discovery phase plus a brief insight into their plans for next phase (the alpha prototype). More details about the Icebreaker One approach is here: https://ib1.org/energy/