When: 29 September 2021, 10am-11am BST
Where: Archive below
Links and extracts from the online chat
- ‘Digitalising our energy system for net zero: strategy and action plan’; Energy Digitalisation Strategy, developed by the government, Ofgem and Innovate UK in coordination with the energy sector.
- Icebreaker One’s map of the UK energy data ecosystem.
- Information about the Ofgem/UKRI Innovate UK Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF); a funding mechanism for the Electricity System Operator, Electricity Transmission, Gas Transmission and Gas Distribution sectors.
- Details of the Energy Networks Association (ENA) Network Innovation Competition (NIC) and Call for Ideas 2021; an annual opportunity for Electricity Network companies to compete for funding for the development and demonstration of new technologies and new operating and commercial arrangements (open until 27th October). You can register for the ENA NIC Information Webinar taking place on 1st October.
- Connect don’t collect; additional context behind the Icebreaker One mission to enable organisations to find and connect data around user-needs, in order to build an energy data ecosystem that works for everyone.
- Ofgem’s Data Best Practice Guidance.
- A full summary of the Open Energy MEDA Phase 3 work that was done this year, and the launch of the Pilot phase. We invite applications to join the Pilot and collaborate with Open Energy as part of the Advisory, Steering and community engagement groups.
- Link to register (free) for the Energy Networks Innovation Conference, where the National Energy System Map launch will take place on the 15th October.
- Q: Our digital transformation may well rely on granular and timely-delivered consumption data. Without mandatory provision of HH data from domestic smart meters, can we really transform to meet our ideals? Is a policy change required to make this data available to all that need it to help to profile, forecast, settle and plan?
- A: From Danae : Great question. We work closely with the Smart Meters team to understand what data can be opened and shared and to whom so that as many actors as possible can access smart meter data while protecting privacy.
- Q: Useful energy data ecosystem diagram earlier, labelled as UK but set up in Northern Ireland is different considering the Single Electricity Market (SEM). For panel members, is focus orientated towards GB rather than UK wholly? How can NI be part of this movement and not miss out?
- A: From Gavin Starks : Thank you – that diagram is, as you say, GB … let’s make sure we have NI properly represented … gavin@ib1.org
- A: From Sara Vaughan : I think that regulators can be a huge catalyst for change here – viz. the role of Ofgem in GB. Better data enables better decisions. Where is the NI regulator on this? Plays to Danae’s current point
- A: From Danae : https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/sites/default/files/docs/2021/05/data_best_practice_guidance_v0.3_0.pdf
- Q: Is the issue about data sharing partially because sharing is usually seen as all or nothing: you share or you don’t? Could this be addressed by having consistent consent processes where a data owner can say “I’ll share my energy data down to daily granularity with those parties for this particular use”?
- A: From Gavin Starks : absolutely – Consent management is central to the Open Energy trust framework
- Gavin Starks, CEO & Founder, Icebreaker One [Chair]
- Dan Clarke, Head of Innovation, Energy Networks Association
- Sara Vaughan, Non-executive Director, Elexon; Membership Advisory Group co-chair, Icebreaker One
- Tolu Oladimeji, Data Governance and Strategy Lead, SSE plc
- Simon Evans, Digital Energy Leader, Arup
- Andy Allen, Data Scientist, CityScience
- Danae Marshall, Head of Energy Data, BEIS
This event will demystify the role of data in achieving Net Zero in the UK’s energy system. It will be a practical look at the obstacles standing in the way of Net Zero, and the changes needed to improve access to data for businesses and the public sector.
We’ll hear from real users of the Open Energy service currently in development, which aims to revolutionise the way energy data is shared in the UK to help deliver the UK’s commitments to the Paris Agreement.