IB1’s data governance approach supports the cohesive and sustainable development and delivery of data-sharing programmes. We have established processes to co-design and oversee the development of Trust Frameworks and Schemes – aligned with industry, societal and environmental needs – at market-wide scales. Our goal is to establish and agree principles, structures, roles and responsibilities enabling accurate and timely data sharing at a market-wide scale.
IB1’s approach builds on two core bodies of existing work outlined briefly below:
A. Data governance refers to how data is managed throughout its lifecycle/supply chain (generation, processing, sharing). It debates:
- Aims, policies and rules
- Decision-making processes
- Incentives and culture
- Institutions involved
It can be applied from the micro level (e.g. governance of personal data within a closed ecosystem) through to the macro level (e.g. managing international data flows). Data governance remains a contested concept; ideas of what ‘good’ looks like can vary depending on which actors are defining it and the purpose(s) for which it is used.
B. Good governance refers to best practices for managing organisations, consortiums, or projects, to achieve goals in an accountable and legitimate way. It involves:
- Establishing principles and processes
- Defining roles and responsibilities
- Setting visions and strategies
There is no universal definition of good governance, allowing flexibility based on specific socio-technical context and goals. However, adoption of the term by a range of influential national and international organisations elevates a common understanding of the term to represent an approach based on the principles of:
- Transparency
- Accountability
- Engagement
- Responsiveness
IB1 draws from this work by adopting established best practices and principles where applicable. It is designed to be responsive to an evolving socio-technical environment and accordingly takes an iterative, collaborative approach to development. We work to co-design and embed ‘fit for purpose’ practices early, then set up robust processes enabling governance to evolve as the landscape matures. Our approach has been collaboratively built through the extensive practical experience of our leadership, staff and board, combined with robust, ongoing input and review from cutting edge academic and domain experts.
IB1 has identified specific enabling principles, structures, roles, responsibilities, and resources that facilitate good data governance in the context of establishing and delivering data sharing programmes:
- Principles are the necessary pre-conditions to facilitate good data governance and effective working relationships. They constitute: transparency and openness, inclusion, compliance, goal definition, meaningful stakeholder engagement, and collaboration. We work with these principles in all partnerships and in the design and delivery of all data-sharing programmes. Further detail can be found under IB1 collaboration rules and principles.
- Structures enable good data governance by establishing clarity around how systems work and who or what is involved. IB1’s approach to data governance is built around two core structures: Trust Frameworks and Schemes.
- Roles and responsibilities must be clearly defined in order to establish the relationships, reporting and accountability chains, and decision-making processes underpinning good data governance. The roles and responsibilities of IB1 are set out in IB1 roles and responsibilities. The roles and responsibilities of the groups governing Trust Frameworks and Schemes are outlined in Roles and responsibilities in the Icebreaking Process.
- Resources are required to enable good data governance and requirements for and provision of such resources must be transparent. Resources that can be provided by IB1 are detailed in Resources, roles and responsibilities. Resources that are required of organisations participating in the governance of Trust Frameworks or Schemes are outlined in Roles and responsibilities in the Icebreaking Process.
The following subsections outline our approach to these respective areas in more detail. Any questions or suggestions regarding the IB1 approach to data governance are welcomed and can be directed to governance@ib1.org.