
In September, we convened the first Perseus Advisory Group — Technical Infrastructure (AG2) meeting, co-chaired by Normative and Icebreaker One. During this meeting, we discussed the mission, vision, and values of Perseus and the Advisory Group process, and heard from Advisory Group 1 (User Needs & Impact) the data sharing requirements they have discussed. Attendees discussed AG2 success metrics, scope, objectives, recommendations, and outcomes.

Reference: AG2 Scoping Document.

Key meeting insights 

  • Through the Advisory Group process, we have a system where questions brought up which relate to scope, legal, communications, and policy requirements can be brought to other groups to discuss and advise. 
  • In this stage of Perseus, we are focussed on doing one thing well – enabling reporting through accessing half hourly smart meter data which includes the carbon intensity at time of use and location of use. This will expand to other use cases but keeping a narrow scope now ensures focus. 
  • The consent management process is critical, and needs unpacking technically and legally.
  • A Trust Framework agrees the rules of the road for data exchange, including technical, legal, liability. We as AG2 need to come up with the definitions and attributes which answer the needs AG1 comes up with. 

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