In March, we brought together Stream’s Advisory Group 1 (Market & User Needs) which comprises subject matter experts from 16 water companies and other industry stakeholders. Co-chaired by Icebreaker One and Anglian Water, this group advises and supports the project partners as they commence work on Stream’s Implementation Phase

Since the MVP launch in December 2023, the Stream partners are working towards a key milestone of delivering a functional platform in April 2024.

March’s AG meeting aimed to:

  1. Gain endorsement on Use Case 9 decision to recommend to the Steering Group.
  2. Shape the governance and future of Advisory Group 1.
  3. Start to shape the post-Day 1 use case prioritisation process.

Key Insights

  • Elysia Moore, Stream Product Owner, was introduced as the new co-chair for AG1.
  • It was discussed that trust and transparency in water companies can be rebuilt through Stream by:
    • Increasing engagement through positive, constructive conversations on challenges around the data.
    • Making data accessible and contextualised through storytelling which acknowledges previous issues, mistakes and mitigations, in order to demonstrate greater transparency with the public; also seek to involve other organisations and customers.
    • Offering in-person opportunities to engage with water companies.
  • It was noted that lessons learnt from UC9 Domestic Consumption were presented.
  • An update on the go-live status and criteria was presented, including the minimum requirements for go-live Day 1 and the post-Day 1 criteria for each workstream.
  • It was noted that communications outputs delivered include: stakeholder maps; narrative analysis and framework; core narrative, elevator pitch and content themes; and key messages and proof points.
  • The Strategic Change Plan for March and April includes:
    • Building a long-term communications strategy, supporting external communications activity and aligning with the Centres of Expertise.
    • Aligning on personas, onboarding people/organisations to new ways of working and supporting communications and engagement.

Key Resources: